Victoria Haywood

Junior, Madison Academic High School

Victoria’s interests for addressing community challenges: #communication #GoalSetting #CommunityAction

Victoria’s leadership, expertise and skills: #strategysetter

Victoria in 3 words: outgoing, serious, nice

Victoria Haywood is a Junior Fellow representing Madison Academic High School. She is an outgoing big thinker and focused strategy setter able to see the broader picture. She enjoys and thrives in math, business, social studies and history. Victoria believes proactiveness and goal setting in life is critical for people as they grow and learn. She sees the community as doing a good job communicating and considering issues, news and events. However, she thinks that action to help people is sometimes lacking despite awareness. Ultimately, her goal is to be a top tier doctor in the country.

“Our community does a good job recognizing issues and communicating the issues through channels like social media platforms.”

— Victoria Haywood